
Enrolment is $80.00 annually per family. The Centre has a quota of 150 licensed places for After school care,  Before school care and Vacation care and we are unable to exceed this quota. The COOSC Director will endeavour to place children in the service and provide families with the care they require. The Centre may have a short wait list at the beginning of the year, however places often become available as the year progresses.

Please note: Children cannot attend the Centre unless they are registered.

Step 1: Click the link below, then select ‘Enrol’ and follow the prompts to edit or start a new enrolment.

Click here to start your enrolment!

Step 2: Click the link below to complete a booking request if you require any permanent (recurring) bookings at our service.

Click here to create a permanent booking request!

Step 3: The Clovelly OOSC Admin Team will check that your enrolment has been successfully completed and email you with instructions to join our casual booking app, where you will be able to add your payment details.


COOSC Family Handbook

Our COOSC Family Handbook outlines important service policies and operating procedures.
2024 COOSC Family Handbook

Fee Schedule

Fee schedules are based on the provision of quality care. The fee level is kept as low as possible to allow access to all working parents, while providing acceptable working conditions for staff.
 Fee Policy


Places can only be secured after families have registered with the ‘My Family Lounge’ online portal.

Routine Bookingsthese are regular bookings of 1-5 mornings/afternoons per week. Routine bookings must be paid for whether your child is in attendance or not. Please note that a cancellation or change of a routine booking must be requested through the My Family Lounge App.

Casual Bookingsthese are bookings that are irregular. These can be made in advance or by 9.00am on the day for after school care. Casual before school bookings need to be made, at the latest, by 5:30pm the day prior to the morning session. They can also be emergency bookings. Please note that casual bookings can only be made if places are available for that day.

Vacation Care Bookings: Vacation Care Programs are released Monday Week 7 every term. Vacation Care is allocated on a first come, first served basis. However, additional priority will be given to those families that hold permanent places in before and after school care during term time. Bookings can be requested in the ‘My Family Lounge’ App.